Slack Water
Red Tipped is Sea Green is Flushed Pink, 2018
Oil and tempera on linen, 150 x 110 cm
The Long Strap and the Tiny Second, 2018,
Oil and tempera on linen, 150 x 110 cm
Going Deep and Red Tipped is Sea Green is Flushed Pink, Studio shot, Berlin, 2018
Driven to the Surface, 2018,
Oil and tempera on linen, 120 x 90 cm
Ankle Deep, 2018,
Oil and tempera on linen, 120 x 90 cm
Scattered Surface, Slack Water project, 2018,
studio installation shot, Berlin
Slack Water, Installation photo,
Museum of Brisbane, 2017
Shallow black saddles Target and amass
Points in a puddle And collapse
Pigments, oil, egg, and alkyd on linen,
90 x 120 cm, 2017,
text by Nathan Shepherdson
Slack Water, studio shot,
Museum of Brisbane artist-in-residence, 2017
Slack Water, studio shot,
Museum of Brisbane artist-in-residence, 2017
Arryn and poet Nathan Shepherdson, Slack Water, studio shot, Museum of Brisbane artist-in-residence, 2017